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Promotional codes and coupons Bottega Verde

Store Bottega Verde

Bottega Verde is an Italian company that produces and sells cosmetics based on natural active ingredients. It was created in 1972 in Pienza, currently have 320 points of sale in Italy and 80 in the rest of the world.
In the makeup section you can find bases, lipsticks, correctors, blushes, enamels, lip gloss, lip and eye profilers, mascara, shadows, protectors, compact powders and products for manicuring.
The section for the face has anti-aging creams, moisturizers, cleansers and masks; the body section has cellulite creams, moisturizers, for hands and feet, firming, deodorants, water essences and massage products.
In the section for hair there are conditioners, shampoos, coloring and treatments; in the bathroom section there are gels and soaps and in the solar section there are self tanners, gels, facial sun, and protectors. Also it has accessories for the body and makeup, softeners for clothes, perfumer, scented candles, perfumes, cosmetics for man and products for children.
Bottega Verde offers discounts of up to 50% and free shipping on the first purchase.

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