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Ssense is a leading retailer based in Montreal, Canada, founded in 2003 and focused on offering a select stock of luxury clothing and brand-name garments that are guaranteed to make you look exceptional.
The exclusive website has a friendly and sober presentation, where you can browse and explore the different categories and buy shirts, jackets, blouses, flats and heels, handbags, sports bags, belts, scarves, hats, sunglasses, jewellery and accessories, wallets, among other quality accessories for men and women. The brands are not long in coming and that is why Ssense presents original products from more than 400 world-renowned brands such as Prada, Christian Louboutin, Burberry, Gucci, Adidas, Marc Jacobs, Givenchy, Diesel, Lanvin, Alexander Wang, Calvin Klein, Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent, G-Star, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior Homme, among others. Today, Ssense receives more than 76 million visits per month, coming from more than 150 countries and different languages.
Another of Ssense's outstanding features is its excellent shipping management system, as well as its impeccable customer service. And one thing you won't want to miss out on is their price protection policy, whereby the company guarantees that if an authorised retailer has a lower price, Ssense will match that cost for your benefit - what more could you ask for!
Subscribe to the newsletter and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, where you can find out more and enjoy seasonal benefits and promotions.
Also, you'll probably want to know that Ssense is constantly preparing discount coupons that you can find online and get significant savings opportunities. Wear avant-garde fashion and renew your wardrobe, with original garments and incredible style. Ssense is here to stay, visit them and you'll notice the difference!