The best discounts of Teleflora

Promotional codes and coupons Teleflora

20% OFF
31-03-2025 Teleflora Save 20% on our Spring Flower Collection! Same day delivery available . Valid through 3/31/25.
10% OFF
31-03-2025 Teleflora Save 10% on our Flower Collection! Same day delivery available.
31-03-2025 Teleflora Get a bigger bouquet! $10 off orders of $60 or more. Use code. Offer valid through 3/31/25.
20% OFF
31-03-2025 Teleflora Save 20% on all bouquets for International Women's Day . Valid through 3/31/25.
20% OFF
31-03-2025 Teleflora Save 20% on our Winter Flower Collection! Same day delivery available . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
15% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save 15% on all anniversary flowers & gifts . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
20% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora SAVE 20% on Deal of the Day . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
20% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save 20% on Sympathy & Funeral Flowers! Same day delivery available . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
15% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save 15% on flowers sitewide! Same day delivery available . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
15% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save 15% on all birthday flowers & gifts . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save $15 when you spend $60+ on Birthday flowers & gifts . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
15% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save 15% on all New Baby flowers & gifts . Offer valid through 12/31/24..
20% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save 20% on Get Well Flowers! Same day delivery available . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
31-12-2025 Teleflora Exclusively for NEW customers: Save $10 on $50+ bouquets . Offer valid through 12/31/24.
30% OFF
31-12-2025 Teleflora Save up to 30% on one of a kind flower arrangements! Same day delivery available. Discount will apply at checkout. Offer valid through 12/31/24.
20% OFF
27-04-2025 Teleflora Extra 20% Off Bouquets.
10% OFF
01-04-2025 Teleflora Extra 10% Off Sitewide.
25% OFF
27-04-2025 Teleflora Extra 25% Off Select Orders.
20% OFF
27-04-2025 Teleflora Extra 20% Off Sitewide.
15% OFF
31-12-2026 15% Off sitewide | Teleflora Promo Code.

Promotional offers

15% OFF
15% off All Orders.

To use a promo code on the site, first find and copy the code. Then go to checkout, paste the promo code in the appropriate field and apply it. Make sure that the discount is activated and complete your purchase.


Here you can get all discount coupons, promotional codes and current March 2025 deals from

Promotional codes Teleflora save up to 25%

Store Teleflora

Teleflora is Spain's leading online florist for flower delivery in as little as 4 hours. With an extensive network of florists, Teleflora guarantees high quality flower deliveries throughout Spain.

On their website, you can find bouquets by occasions, flower types, seasons, colours, funeral flowers, sympathy, plants, gift baskets and birthday flowers. You can also check out the birthstone bouquets, which are an original and personalised way to give flowers according to the person's birth month.

Some ideas to get better deals on flowers online are:

Subscribe to Teleflora's newsletter to receive exclusive offers and discounts by email.

Take advantage of special offers and coupons that are published on their website or on their social networks.

Compare prices and options between different online florists and choose the one that best suits your budget and needs.

Order flowers in advance and avoid the most in-demand dates such as Valentine's Day or Mother's Day, when prices tend to go up.

Choose seasonal or local flowers, which are fresher, longer-lasting and cheaper than exotic or imported flowers.

Opt for simpler, smaller bouquets, which can be just as beautiful and elegant as larger, more elaborate bouquets.

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